Friday 24 March 2017


The book of Acts, Acts 2:12-13 He says :

Acts 2:12-13 12.And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this? 13. Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine.
Often we have missed out on God's will and purpose for our lives because we'll, it just doesn't make sense. That's right. It doesn't make sense to be socially austere, severely simple and of deliberate choices because you rely on the LORD to direct your paths. He's not going to lead you to the popular feel-good clubs and social domains, many times you will find out, you considered socially inept or a loner.
Don't get me wrong. The Holy Spirit fully expressed in your life will of course cut off anything which doesn't glorify God. Today the world is a place where everything that is against God's will is glorified and popularised and anything Godly is eschewed, dismissed and trivialised.
It is this condition in the house that brings a deliberate confusion, first to the priesthood and then to the congregants that when the HOLY SPIRIT pulls out a surprise visit they think lately she or he is doing too much VINO BLANCO OR VINO TINTO (RED OR WHITE WINE)
This means the that at some point the church is so trapped in the ways of the world that they can no longer recognize the visitation of GOD and they end up giving it a wrong ID.
"...Some however made fun of them and said, 'they have had too much vino tinto '"
Am shocked they would say that! And we see a priest of the LORD too saying the same thing when Hannah realizes that for her to move the heart of God to provide a baby she's going to have to pray IN THE HOLY SPIRIT.
This tied at the hip with a vow unleashes the faith that brings results.
Jude 1:20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, These are the days when the Holy Spirit Has been poured out on all flesh bringing change of practice and atypical comportment. These are the days when your pastor can turn against you and mock your new-found solitary move with God.
1 Samuel 1:14-15 And Eli said unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? put away thy wine from thee. And Hannah answered and said, No, my lord, I [am] a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before the LORD.
Eli a priest of the LORD can no longer relate to this kind spirit lead surrender and prayer. It's very discomfiting to hear what he says.
"... And Eli said unto her, how long wilt thou be drunken? Put away thy wine (vino) from thee "This can only mean that the spiritual health in that house was deplorable and malpractice was accepted, otherwise a priest will not as much as even think about such a thing.
Hallelujah Hallelujah, May the church walk out of the flesh where she can not discern spiritual things. Let there be revival in the churches to help her accept and inculcate the new move of GOD.
1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned.

The LORD bless your lives and churches with an atypical visitation of GOD


1.Sheep Gate
This is the gate that was used to take sacrifice. It was the only gate that was sanctified. Through this, Israelites would take their lamb offerings. It was open to everyone prince, princesses and commoners. In the New Testament this gate represents Jesus the Lamb of God who sacrificed His life for us. Jesus is the only gate to eternal life and He died for everyone. But you have to accept Him.
Bible references John 10:9, 1st Peter 2:9 and John 10:1
2.Fish Gate
In the Old Testament , when fishermen caught fish, they used this gate to take fish to priests. In the NT Jesus called His disciples to be fishers of men. After we have received salvation, accepted Jesus and know about His love for us, then we should go out and preach this good gospel to others. Jesus helps us to fish. When we go out to evangelize let's commit our mission to Him to go before us and soften the hearts of our recipients.
Bible references Matthew 4:19 and Mark 1:17
3. Old Gate
This gate led to what is called the quarter. The quarter was that place at the heart of Jerusalem. What this means is that we have to go back to the old rugged cross, the old ways. There is nothing like modern day Christianity. God doesn't change His ways or standard just because the world has modernized. We still go back to the old ways of Abraham, Noah etc. Homosexuality wasn't permitted in the Times of Lot and it is NOT permissible today. Everything that went against God's glory those many years ago doesn't change today.
Bible references Hebrews 12:14 and Jeremiah 6:16
4. Valley Gate
It was situated on a slope. What this represents is humility, servanthood. We need to humble ourselves before God. We shouldn't expect people to bow down to us, to respect us no matter how mighty we are being used. Remember how Jesus was humble. No matter how much God uses you He still loves you the same as everyone you are not any more special but a vessel for Him. We should pray that when God lifts us we will humble ourselves.
Bible references Romans 1:1.and Philippian 2:8
5 Dung/Refuse Gate
This gate was located at the bottom of Jerusalem. It was where all the garbage from Jerusalem passed through for disposal. In the NT this represents repentance. Taking out all the trash out of our lives. Cleaning out our houses and ensuring our garments are clean.
6 Fountain Gate
This is the gate that connected the water system in the city. Water in the NT represents the Holy Spirit of God our helper. We need the infiling of the Holy Spirit.
Bible references John 7:39 and Isaiah 44:3
7.Water gate
As from the fountain gate , the holyspirit allows the word of God which is true water to flow in us and cleanse us . The word of God is the living water read more of the Bible and books written by other Servants of God so that u can mature as a Christian. Kindly note that not all books written Christian books are really Christian books. If a book has nothing to do with holiness have nothing to do with it too.
The Water Gate led down to the Gihon Spring which was located adjacent to the kidron valley
The water gate is a picture of the word of God and its effect in our life. Eph 5:26 states ‘… having washed her by the water of the word.’ Psalm 119:9 states that it is only through God’s word that we can be clean. It is no coincidence that this gate was located next to the fountain gate as the two often go together. The Holy Spirit is the one who makes the word of God alive to us personally, allowing cleansing, encouragement and direction to take place in our life.
8.Horse Gate.
The horse gate was close to the King’s stables and the men of Jerusalem would ride their horses out of this gate to war. It is also interesting that the Horse gate follows the water (word) gate for as the word goes forth the spiritual warfare is sure to increase!
This represents spiritual warfare in a believer’s life. We need to equip ourselves with the word of God to be able to go to war with the enemy. We all go through spiritual warfare whether knowingly or unknowingly.
Bible reference: Revelation 19:11
9. East Gate
The East gate is located opposite side of the Mount of Olives. The east gate opens and looks toward the Mount of Olives and we know that when Jesus returns He will return to this mount. He will then enter Jerusalem by the East Gate. It represents the second coming. This shows us our need to live with this hope and to long for His return. We will receive our crowns.
Bible references: Ezekiel 44;1-3; Zecharia 14:4 and 2nd Timothy 4:8
10. Inspection gate
Also known as the Miphkad gate. The word in Hebrew has a military connection and according to tradition, it was at this gate that David would meet his troops to inspect them.
In our Christian life, it represents the examination of our lives by the Lord. We will be inspected and rewarded appropriately. We are called to live our lives with eternity in mind. Caring more about eternity than our passing life here on earth.

Glorious Mwameso